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Pampered in Phuket

By Valerie Ng | China Daily | Updated: 2013-05-01 09:45

Pampered in Phuket

Go with the flow and forget your worries as you experience a true escape with Avista.

From a tray with seven types of essential oils, I chose one called Sports Solution. A mixture of lemon grass and various citrus fruits, it is supposed to rejuvenate a tired body, which is exactly what I needed.

The massage prepared me for a cocktail on the rooftop terrace bar with the best sunset view.

As I shared the spectacular sight with some other guests and General Manager Mohnish Chandwaskar, we witnessed the sky turn from hues of blue to orange, pinkish and then dark blue as the sun abruptly dropped over the horizon, all within about 30 minutes. Captivating.

Pampered in Phuket

Visitor finds third time a charm

With the sunset, the temperature cooled and the best venue for dinner was on the rooftop overlooking Karon Bay on one side and Patong Bay on the other. Marvelous.

Dinner was prepared onsite by Chef Westaway and his assistants. James joined us, elaborating on why each ingredient was recommended to bring equilibrium to my body.

I was warned before the meal that some of the ingredients were chosen to suit my body and no enhancers were used, so the food might not taste good. But I polished off every bowl and plate because Chef Westaway creatively mixed the fresh ingredients so well that no artificial flavoring was needed.

As I walked back to the room after dinner in the cool evening, I was mesmerized by the night view of the resort transformed by dim blue and warm yellow lights.

Looking up at the sky, I realized I hadn't seen so many stars in a while - the neon lights in Beijing are too bright.

Spread out more than 1.6 hectares of hilltop land, the resort feels spacious and private.

Another surprise awaited me in the room. The housekeeping staff had cooled the room, switching on the air conditioning and dimming the lights. They also delivered strawberry macaroons, a bottle of water, an eye mask and a small bottle of lavender oil to help me sleep better.

I felt like a princess in paradise.

The resort is aptly called Avista Hideaway, the perfect sanctuary for singles, honeymooners, couples or families. I can also envision it as a haven for tropical weddings. And for those who want to experience the vibrancy of town, it is only a 5 to 10 minute to the Patong area and Jung Ceylon, Phuket's largest mall. Shuttle or private limousine, your choice.

Pampered in Phuket

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