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Spa magic

By Valerie Ng | China Daily | Updated: 2013-06-02 08:04
FoodS balance different body types 
After a consultation, James tells me that my body type is a combination of the three "doshas". He recommends some of the foods that will benefit me, and passed the list to executive chef Tim Westaway, who cooked up a storm.

The meal starts with cucumber juice, which is rich in vitamin A, calcium, sodium and dietary fiber. Known as a detoxification agent, cucumber is also high in water content, which is beneficial to the "air" body type that is prone to dryness.

Asparagus soup with pumpkin seed is next. The soup is refreshing, yet the pumpkin seeds add a delicate nutty fragrance to the palate. Asparagus, rich in potassium, pacifies "fire" and soothes "air" body types, while pumpkin seeds are good for both "air" and "phlegm".

Salad is a beautifully laid-out array of leaves tucked inside a full strip of cucumber and drizzled with sesame oil, which is also suitable for both "air" and "fire" body types. The freshness of the vegetables add a natural sweetness to the salad.

For the main course, Westaway prepares herb-grilled chicken, stacked on parsley-buttered boiled potatoes, with a wild mushroom cream sauce. The meat is tender and well-soaked with a light marinade, yet the sweetness of the poultry remains.

Dinner ends with an assortment of fresh and juicy tropical fruits. The meal is satisfying and I did not feel overstuffed - thanks to the carefully chosen ingredients.


Spa magic

Spa magic

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