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Heading South

By Rebecca Lo. | China Daily | Updated: 2013-06-03 10:55


Heading South

Close encounter with Gentoo peguins at Aitcho Island, photo taken on March 10, 2013. [Photo Provided to China Daily]

Even something as common as how we use the toilet can make a difference. According to Liu, the average Hong Kong household uses 220 liters of water each day, and more than 10 percent of that is flushed down the toilet bowl.

"Toilets that use seawater still require energy to get it to every household," says Liu. She suggests that with half of the water used in the shower, simply by putting a bucket to catch shower water and using it for flushing can save about one seventh of total water consumption.

When Liu finally set foot on the icy continent earlier this year, she found the experience overwhelming.

"It was the end of summer there when we arrived and there were still lots of snow and ice," she recalls. "The continent's serenity and grandness was almost like a religious experience for me. I wanted to kneel down: I was so overcome with emotion. It made me realize how small humans are compared to that eternal silence. We are only temporary."

Along with 80 people from 28 different countries, Liu set off from Argentina and reached Antarctica in less than two days because of the favorable weather conditions and "gentle" waves that were one or two meters.

"We camped on the ice for one night," she recalls. "The hardest part was getting up to go to the toilet in the dark. It was so cold! And my shoes were frozen."

While Liu and the rest of Shaw's team learned about climate change and spent time cleaning the remnants, she found time for fun activities such as diving into the chilly waters for a swim or getting up close and personal with penguins.

Now that she has finally realized her dream, would she return to Antarctica?

"I want to inspire more mothers to take action," says Liu. "If that's the case, then I will go back."

Contact the writer at sundayed@chinadaily.com.cn.

Heading South

Gentoo Penguin, photo taken on March 10, 2013. [Photo Provided to China Daily]

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