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Yuntai offers a peek at paradise

By Qi Xin in Zhengzhou | China Daily | Updated: 2013-09-26 09:50

Yuntai offers a peek at paradise

Yuntai Mountain is known for its crystal-clear lakes, spectacular waterfalls and unique rock formations. [Photo provided to China Daily]

Besides the special red rocks that stand as witnesses to geological movement, attractions including some rare species can also be found in Yuntai Mountain.

The freshwater jellyfish was found in Zifang Lake in 2002. Other rare creatures such as the Taihang macaque can also be seen in the mountains.

Leaving the valley, I head to Zhuyu Peak, the highest point of Yuntai Mountain at 1,308 meters above sea level. Sitting on a sightseeing bus on the way to the top, I'm particularly impressed by breathtaking landscape of the mountain road.

You'd better hold the handrail firmly on the bus, or you might slip from the seat because 180-degree turns are frequent on the zigzagging road.

It took the local people about 10 years to finish the road, starting from 1977. At the time machines were not widely used and people finished this tough project manually, which became the only link with the outside world.

For those who are keen on hiking, Zhuyu Peak won't let them down.

Statistics show that more than 1,200 kinds of plants grow in the peak. It was said that Sun Simiao, a famous physician in the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907), once picked herbs here.

Following the countless steps winding up to the top, I feel excited the moment when I stand at the top of the peak. The spectacular panoramic view features rolling peaks, which are decorated with white clouds. It looks like a paradise, and the attraction of Yuntai Mountain is very obvious.

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