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Waves, culture & history

By Mark Hughes | China Daily | Updated: 2013-10-27 07:36

Zeavola general manager Florian Hallermann, a veteran Asian hotelier from Austria, explained he has a genuine compassion for marine wildlife and an active commitment to protecting the conservation status of aquatic habitats.

Waves, culture & history

Related photos: Delights at Zeavola 
Zeavola is built around a sustainability ethos, with features such as a water reserve system that includes four deep wells and a reverse osmosis plant to completely minimize unnecessary water consumption - efforts which have earned it membership in the international "green" hotels group Green Pearls.

Not only has the resort met all the required components and prerequisites to become a Professional Association of Diving Instructor Five-Star member, it has also been awarded the PADI Green Star Award for its outstanding contribution to the environment through its project Coral Freedom.

The efforts of Coral Freedom are focused on reversing the devastating effects of coral bleaching, a consequence of high carbon footprints and increasing global warming.

As we clambered into the speedboat back to Phuket, the staff came down to the beach to wave us off. It was a touching gesture to end a touching vacation and reunion.

I pretended my watery eyes were caused by sea spray.

We were saying goodbye to paradise and heading ultimately to homes that involve work, not blessed luxury.

Thank God the roar of the engines swamped my sob. Soon the girls would be 8,000 kilometers away.

However, you can't visit a new country for the first time without seeing its capital.

Waves, culture & history

We stayed at Bangkok's new, centrally located boutique Vie Hotel, which arranged temple visits, a trip to a crocodile and elephant farm with rather dramatic shows that offered elephant rides and the chance to watch a man put his head into the open jaws of a live, giant, toothsome reptile.

We also enjoyed visiting perhaps the biggest, best and cheapest malls I've ever witnessed.

No one went home empty-handed or empty-headed, not even the crocodile fool. Just empty-pocketed in a worthwhile way.

To be honest, and to return to where we began, we were flushed with pleasure and excitement.


My family flew with China East Airlines, Thai Air and Philippine Airlines. All relevant information is on the Internet regarding flights, hotels and costs. The children were accompanied by British Airways stewards on the UK-China flights. Despite complicated arrangements, including the involvement of my UK hometown's Newell's travel agency in Kingsbridge, Devon, and various other kind-hearted souls, a complicated holiday was achieved and enjoyed by all, memorably.


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