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Fabulous destinations with no visa trouble

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2014-01-29 15:03

Visa applications can be cumbersome for Chinese ordinary-passport holders who want to travel abroad, so why not consider destinations with easier or no visa procedures?

China has signed mutually visa-free agreements with four countries - San Marino, Seychelles, Mauritius and the Bahamas. Chinese ordinary-passport holders enjoy conditional visa-free treatment in six countries and regions, such as Jeju Island in South Korea and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. They also can apply for visas on arrival in 35 countries and regions including Maldives, Thailand, Vietnam and Epygt.

With no visa trouble, maybe you can travel to one of those places. We now recommend some interesting destinations in some of the mentioned countries - may you enjoy the trip!


Fabulous destinations with no visa trouble

Mauritius, famous for its beaches, blue waters and rich culture, is seeking to attract more Chinese tourists. Provided to China Daily

Faced with stiff competition from Seychelles and Maldives in the Indian Ocean, Mauritius, one of Africa's prime holiday destinations, is seeking to attract more Chinese tourists as the growth of its European visitors stagnates.

Mauritius is special for its rich culture and people as the nation originated from many parts of the world, including India, Africa, France and Muslim countries.The island is a perfect combination of wild African scenery and French romance.

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