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Top 10 reasons to become a traveler

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2014-05-20 15:35

Top 10 reasons to become a traveler


There's a saying that goes, "Body and soul, they must be one on the road." And for travelers, no place is too far, and every place is home. Travelling is food for the soul.

Beginning in 2011, the National Tourism Administration of China (CNTA) announced the country's National Tourism Day would be held annually on May 19. So for this unique day, let's discover the perks of being a traveler.

10. Adventure

It seems that adventure is a part of the texture of a traveler's life. When traveling, they enjoy the feeling of getting lost in the sights and sounds of wherever they are at. The exploration of new places and the experience of new sights and sounds, all kinds of "new" things will stimulate the senses. Setting off and not knowing what you might encounter is an adventure in itself and will surprise and charm you.

Top 10 reasons to become a traveler Top 10 reasons to become a traveler

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