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Site of Weiyang Palace in Chang’an City

People's Daily Online | Updated: 2014-08-21 16:59

Site of Weiyang Palace in Chang’an City


The Silk Road "Routes Network of Chang'an-Tianshan Corridor" has already become a world cultural heritage site. The site of Weiyang Palace in Chang’an City of the Han Dynasty is one of the seven sites in Shaanxi province.

Site of Weiyang Palace in Chang’an City

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Weiyang Palace is the imperial palace during the Western Han Dynasty. Built in 200 BC, Weiyang Palace was the place where 12 emperors of Western Han governed the court. When viewed from above, the palace is roughly square, about 2250 meters long from east to west and about 2150 meters from south to north. Its gross area is 4.8 square kilometers, which is about 1/7 of the size of Chang’an City.

Nowadays no palace but an archaeological site can be found in the Weiyang Palace site. However, the site is still there as a silent witness of the Silk Road.

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