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China's tourism head looks to shorten toilet waiting lines

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2015-09-11 10:56

China's tourism head looks to shorten toilet waiting lines

China's tourism head looks to shorten toilet waiting lines in a latest campaign. [Photo/IC]

To improve the sanitation and toilet conditions of China's tourist attractions, a special one-month campaign was launched on Thursday by China National Tourism Administration (CNTA).

The campaign will focus on the scenic spots' trash disposal, sewage treatment and toilet conditions. It is especially required that toilet waiting time at the 3A and above (on a scale of 1-5) scenic spots should not exceed 10 minutes.

During the campaign, CNTA will organize special groups to conduct random inspections throughout the country. Attractions that cannot meet the standards might receive warnings and even punishments.

Sanitary toilet conditions and a greater number of public toilets at tourist attractions can help boost tourism in a country, according to The World Toilet Organization via Xinhua.

A survey released by the China Tourism Academy in April suggested that toilet conditions at tourist attractions generally need to be improved nationwide.

The one-month campaign is also intended to advance China's three-year "toilet revolution", which was launched by CNTA earlier this year and is aimed at building a total of 33,000 restrooms and renovating 24,000 by 2017 nationwide.

The tourism head had also encouraged local tourist attractions to consider the special needs of the elderly, women, children and the disabled when building and renovating toilets.


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