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Green Great Wall marks St Patrick's Day in Beijing

By Zhang Xingjian | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2017-03-17 14:22
Green Great Wall marks St Patrick's Day in Beijing

Beijing folk artists perform the Land Boating to the audiences to celebrate St Patrick's Day in Beijing on Thursday. Land Boating is a performance to imitate rowing boat in the water while people use bamboo, wood or straws to make the outline of the ship, cover it with the silk and draw different pictures or write the auspicious word on it. Some boats have roofs with colored silk. Certain land boats are three meters long, and some only one meter. When land boat is on, the performer stands in the center of the boat and ties it to his waist. In this way the boat is moving with his running. The movement of the land boat is caused by the running of people, so it is called Land Boating. [Photo by Zhang Xingjian/chinadaily.com.cn]