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Stays away

By Yang Feiyue | China Daily | Updated: 2017-07-24 07:28

Stays away

Chinese travelers have become big consumers of shared accommodation overseas, with their footprint extending from Asia to the United States, Europe and Australia. Travelers on sightseeing and leisure tours are the main consumers, and most of them travel with friends and families. [Photo provided to China Daily]

Jin has a broad vision for the sharing leisure experience.

"In the future, if you want to go to the countryside and have a barbecue, for instance, you won't need to buy all the equipment," Jin says. "All you will need to do is find the grill and things you need online and they will be there when you arrive."

Last but not least, he says, it means everyone can act as a tour guide and offer their own distinctive services.

"When travel stops being just sightseeing and becomes immersion in local life, we'll create a new travel lifestyle" Jin says.

Contact the writer at yangfeiyue@chinadaily.com.cn

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