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Trending: Korean star mobbed by fans

By ( Updated: 2014-08-15 13:47

Korean star is mobbed by fans in Nanjing. A thief loses his ill-gotten gains when he stops for a swim. And a Harvard grad becomes a chengguan.Trending: Korean star mobbed by fans

Kim Soo Hyun mobbed by fans in Nanjing

Korean star Kim Soo Hyun was mobbed by fans on his arrival at the Nanjing Olympic Sports Centre to attend the last rehearsal of the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games opening ceremony on Thursday night, reported

Kim Soo Hyun was widely known in China for his role in TV drama My Love From The Star, which reaped high audience ratings and massive online discussion. He, along with Chinese singers Jane Zhang, Zhang Jie and a Russian singer, will sing the theme song for the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games at the opening ceremony Saturday evening.

Related: Kim Soo Hyun, Angelababy attend commercial activityTrending: Korean star mobbed by fans

Thief gets huge cash washed away

A thief surnamed Xiang who jumped into a river to cool down from the excitement of burglarizing a villa, got all his stolen 5,000 ($813) yuan cash washed away, in Yantian district, Shenzhen city, Nanfang Metropolis Daily reported.

Xiang has been accused of stealing items worth 600,000 yuan, including an LV handbag, jewelry, jade ornaments and gold from the villa.

Related: Alleged thief tries to steal from 2 policemen

Trending: Korean star mobbed by fans

Trending: Korean star mobbed by fans

Harvard grad returns to be urban management officer

A Chinese Harvard graduate with a master's degree in public administration has returned to his hometown, Chongqing municipality, to become an urban management officer, or chengguan, a grassroots level public sector job in China, Huaxi Metropolis Daily reported.

Bao Chun said he had been a chengguan before going to Harvard, and he decided to take on the job again because he believes public administration is an area where he can make a contribution.

Related: Role swap narrows gap between chengguan and hawkers

Trending: Korean star mobbed by fans

Cab driver's bad joke triggers tragedy

A girl in Nanchang city, Jiangxi province, who jumped out of taxi in fear after the cab driver's "joked" about selling her to a brothel, is now in a vegetative state, reported on Thursday.

Three female university students, including the victim Lin Li, took an unlicensed cab on May 2. The driver surnamed Gao said he wanted to "sell them to a brothel or traffic them to his home village" during the trip, which he later explained to policeman was just a joke. After a short discussion on ways to escape, Lin jumped in advance while the other two stayed in the car.

Gao received criminal detention on May 14. While the procuratorate body didn't issue an arrest warrant, it held that the incident was "an accident".

Related: Man's on trial for theft when posing as cab driver

Trending: Korean star mobbed by fans

Upset wife detained for false report to police

A woman was detained by police for reporting a false prostitution case, reported on Wednesday. The woman called police and said people were engaging in prostitution in a residential area on Tuesday. When the police arrived, they found her scuffling with another woman surnamed Huang, at Huang's home. She told the police that her husband had been visiting a prostitute at Huang's house, but police found nobody there. The woman later admitted that she lied because she couldn't get in touch with her husband, who she suspected had an affair with Huang.

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