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Trending: Woman sleeps on narrow fence

( Updated: 2014-08-30 11:08

Fence sleeping woman draws attention, an adult man sues his parents for not supporting him and a chef dies from a the bite of a decapitated cobra.

Woman sleeps on narrow fence in Harbin

Trending: Woman sleeps on narrow fence

Passersby were amazed by a woman who slept on a 5-centimeter-wide road fence in Harbin, capital city of China’s Northeastern Heilongjiang province, Aug 29, 2014.

The perceived difficulty of laying down and balancing on the narrow bar has had people comparing the woman to a fictional figure that can sleep on a rope in a Chinese kung fu novel by Louis Cha.

Trending: Woman sleeps on narrow fence

Zoo keeper killed by tigers

Trending: Woman sleeps on narrow fence

A patrolman working for the Beijing Badaling Wildlife Park was killed by Bengal tigers inside the tiger zone, the Zoo confirmed on Friday.

An investigation is underway said Zoo officials.

A visitor to the Zoo on Thursday witnessed 2 tigers lie beside the motionless patrolman while she was driving through the tiger zone. She left the zone to call for help. Despite emergency treament, the patrol man died in the hospital. It is strictly forbidden to get off cars in the tiger zone. It is speculated that the patrolman got out of the jeep to relieve himself.

Trending: Woman sleeps on narrow fence

Man, 29, sues parents for not looking after him

Trending: Woman sleeps on narrow fence

A 29-year-old man is taking his parents to court for not taking care of him, the Sanxiang Metropolis Daily reported.Kuang Zhengxuan, a primary school graduate, who works as a model in an art school in Changsha, capital of Hunan province, said he planned to sue his parents for not supporting him. Kuang's father, a migrant worker from central China's Hubei province, said his son was always asking him for money.

The lawsuit has highlighted the growing number of young adults in China still dependent on their parents. According to the China Scientific and Research Center for the Ageing, about 65 percent of Chinese parents support healthy adult children and more than 30 percent of children who have reached adulthood still need some financial support from their parents.

Trending: Woman sleeps on narrow fence

Chef killed by bite from cobra's severed head

Trending: Woman sleeps on narrow fence

A chef died after he was bitten by the severed head of a cobra while making snake soup. The chef had removed the head 20 minutes earlier in his kitchen in Foshan, Guangzhou Daily reported. The snakes head was lying on the ground when he was bitten.

Doctors confirmed that the snake’s venom killed the chef. Reptile experts said a cobra’s head can remain alive for more than an hour after it is chopped off . The snake was imported from Indonesia.

Trending: Woman sleeps on narrow fence
Bullets found among dead man's possesions

Trending: Woman sleeps on narrow fence

Family members have found thirty-one bullet shells at an elderly man's home after he died a few days ago in Nanjing, capital city of East China's Jiangsu province,local news portal reported.

Police were called in immediately after the discovery but no one could explain why the man kept the rifle bullets. Police said that any discovery of guns and bullets should be reported to the authorities.

Trending: Woman sleeps on narrow fence

Ice challenge brings new hope for couple

Trending: Woman sleeps on narrow fence

A man in Henan province who has cared for his wife for 11 years after she was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s disease, says he hopes the ice bucket challenge will lead to the discovery of new treatments for the disease.

Hou Jianqiang’s 47-year-old wife has difficulty speaking and swallowing. He says he believes the attention the condition has received thanks to the global fundraising craze will encourage researchers to focus on it, Orient Today reported on Friday.

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