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Trending: Cleaners eat snow to quench thirst

( Updated: 2014-12-11 11:30

Trending: Cleaners eat snow to quench thirst

One hand of the suicidal man was grabbed by his mother and sister tightly and the other hand grasped an iron stick at the base of the bridge, in Huizhou, South China' s Guangdong province on Dec 10. [Photo from Southern Metropolis Daily]

Suicidal man saved by mother's hand

A suicidal man was rescued after he dangled from a bridge above water for about 20 minutes while his mother held him tightly in Huizhou, South China's Guangdong province, on Wednesday, Southern Metropolis Daily reported.

His mother and sister grabbed one of his hands tightly while the other hand grasped an iron stick at the base of the bridge before a fireman used a rope to pull him up.

The report said the man attempted suicide because of a family dispute. The man stood for a while on the bridge before jumping, when his mother and sister "promised him something in tears", said a witness.

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