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Kris Wu's long legs trigger envy

( Updated: 2015-06-23 12:02

Kris Wu's long legs trigger envy

Peng Chao prepares for the national college entrance exam at home, in Panzhihua, Southwest China's Sichuan, June 5. [Photo/IC]

Armless student scores big in gaokao

A Sichuanese student who has no arms completed the national entrance exam, or gaokao, earlier in June using his feet, and got a remarkable 603 points. He has decided to apply for several top universities in the province.

Peng Chao lost his arms in an electric shock during his childhood. He was granted an additional 45 minutes to take the exam because he takes longer to write than students with hands.

Peng has dreamed of going to China's northern cities to learn civic engineering, but his parents recommended him to stay in the same province so they can better take care of him. Peng also worried that some schools or majors will turn him down due to his physical condition. His middle school, Panzhihua No 7 Middle School, said they will help him choose a school.

Related: Armless student seeks more time for Gaokao

In our final story, meet the woman who got into Harvard while helping her students apply.

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