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'Buy' a graduate on Taobao

( Updated: 2015-07-03 11:48
'Buy' a graduate on Taobao

A Chinese mobile phone user uses the taxi-hailing app Didi Dache created by Tencent on his smartphone in Shanghai, Oct 16, 2014. Photo not related to the story.[Photo/IC] 

Husband accidentally finds wife's new lover for her

A caring husband's scheme to make his wife's life a little easier majorly backfired on him.

A man from Taizhou city, Guizhou province wanted to help his wife cut down her commute, which was over 10 kilometers by bus, so he helped her find a man to carpool with to work.

He would just have to share petrol fees with the man, and his wife would have an easier commute, making everybody happier – or so he thought.

However, two weeks later, the husband and wife had a fight before the wife left for work, and she never came back. She had run off with the man she carpools with, according to the man's neighbors who spotted them.

In our next story, a sincere apology done Warring States-style from a man to his girlfriend.

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