Moving ahead with reform

Updated: 2012-11-14 09:17

(China Daily)

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The Communist Party of China is endeavoring to deepen reform, says an article on The Jakarta Post. Excerpts:

The formal proceedings of the once-in-a-decade leadership change in China began with CPC delegates pledging their commitment to deepening political reform and opening-up.

"The 18th CPC National Congress will be of great importance as China is in a crucial stage of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, deepening reform and opening-up," said CPC Congress spokesperson Cai Mingzhao at a press briefing.

According to Cai, based on solicited opinions of most Party members, the current CPC Central Committee has decided to revise the Party constitution as part of the Party's political reform.

China's peaceful rise in the geopolitical landscape is now faced with a dilemma because of its high dependence on exports to propel economic growth and prosperity. A smooth transition to a more domestic market-oriented economy is key to the country's sustained growth.

In this regard, many Chinese leaders have stressed the importance of political reform in supporting rapid economic development.
