Lee Kuan Yew: Bridge builder

Updated: 2015-03-23 18:12

By Cang Lide(chinadaily.com.cn)

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In 1990, I was fortunate enough to witness the establishment of formal diplomatic relations between the two countries at the United Nations in New York. I reported the milestone event in the People's Daily.

Subsequently, as a news editor working for Lianhe Zaobao in Singapore I saw for myself the success of Lee Kuan Yew's effort in developing friendly relations with China.

Under Lee's guidance, Singapore also participated in many fruitful joint ventures including Suzhou Industrial Park and Tianjin Eco City.

Suzhou Industrial Park was an example of transfer of technolodge that included infrastructure and business management that reached international standards and attracted global investors. It helped set the benchmarks.

In the more recent Tianjin Eco City project, salt marshes were turned into an environmentally friendly and ecologically sound satellite city. The emphasis was a humane approach to living.

As a key member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Singapore under Lee's leadership, often takes care to include China in the activities and decisions of the economic grouping.

Lee's legacy in this area continues to this day.

Singapore was one of the first countries to sign up for the Asian Investment Bank.

Lee had always supported China's decision to integrate fully with the international community. It was part of Singapore's interests that China should succeed. And indeed China's achievements in its opening up policy has created a win-win result for both China and the world.

The author is an experienced journalist who worked for China Daily, Lianhe Zaobao and People's Daily.

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