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Commentary: Abe should show more sincerity, play less tricks during visit to Pearl Harbor

Xinhua | Updated: 2016-12-26 14:53

Despite Abe and his rightist administration claiming that Japan is a trustworthy ally for the United States, its dodging of its war culpability and remorse and its consistent increases of military spending has given its neighbors and other countries sufficient reason to be vigilant about Japan's moves and true intentions.

Meanwhile, people are calling on Japan to offer "condolences" and apologies not only to its close ally the United States, but more importantly, to its Asian neighbors, who suffered more at the hands of Japanese militarism before and during World War II.

A veteran of the famous Flying Tigers jet fighters squadron during World War II has recently sent an open letter to Abe, urging him to apologize to the Chinese people for the atrocities committed by the Imperial Japanese Army during the war.

Japan bears an inescapable responsibility to apologize for what it has done in the past, and only by acknowledging the true history, can it hope to face the future and have better relationships with its neighbors.

It is also the duty of Japan's neighbors and other nations that fought together in WWII to make more efforts to insist on a sincere apology from Japan and to protect the post-war order.


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