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Highlights of press conference for 19th CPC National Congress | Updated: 2017-10-17 19:51

Made in China 2025 is fair to all: Congress spokesman

China's Made in China 2025 strategy treats domestic and foreign companies equally, Tuo Zhen said.

Tuo, responding to concerns that the strategy seems partial to Chinese companies, said one basic rule of the Made in China 2025 strategy is to ensure market-based principles.

The Made in China 2025 strategy is an initiative aimed at upgrading the economy into areas such as intelligent manufacturing and robotics. (Read more)

China willing to take on more duties, bigger global role

China is willing to shoulder more responsibility and play a greater role in maintaining international peace and security, promoting world economic growth and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, Tuo said.

The spokesman noted China's role as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, as well as the world's second largest economy and the largest developing country.

Tuo said the community of shared destiny for all mankind has been widely recognized and welcomed by the international community, and it has been written into a number of United Nations documents and has become an international consensus.

So far, China has established various forms of partnership with about 100 countries, regions and regional organizations, and China's "friends circle" has become larger, Tuo noted. (Read more)

China to expand pilot program nationwide to fight corruption

China is making intensive preparation to expand a pilot program to build a unified supervision system to fight corruption on a nationwide basis, Tuo said.

Expanding such a supervision system nationwide will strengthen and unify the leadership of the Party for anti-corruption, he said.

The purpose is to build "a centralized, unified, authoritative and efficient national supervision system" to supervise all government employees with public power, he said.

"The duty of the supervision commission is supervision, investigation and case handling," Tuo said. (Read more

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