

Cities line up in beauty contest

Updated: 2011-03-14 09:23

By Huang Ying (China Daily)

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Rising cost

The total cost for a video to be shown on CCTV was about 15 million yuan for a year in 2003. Now it costs 5 million yuan for the first term which covers just a couple of months, Yang said.

"The rising cost of broadcasting a city image advertising video on CCTV forced us to consider other broadcast channels," Yang said, adding that they have aired it on airplane screens and online video sites.


Cities line up in beauty contest

Chongqing, a fast-growing municipality in Southwest China, carried out its marketing campaign in various forms at different locations.

A week-long term of cultural exchange featuring Chongqing traditional and folk culture is launched every year in different countries. These activities include performances of Sichuan Opera, acrobatics and folk music. Between 2006 and 2010, the delegation visited Russia, the Philippines, South Korea, Thailand and Australia.

"Our performance is highly praised by overseas audiences, and they showed great interest in our traditional culture, especially the folk handicrafts," said Huang Zhenwei, division director of Chongqing Municipal Party Committee information office.

Oddly, free performances are less popular than those that charge fees, he said, probably because foreigners believe that if they have to pay for something it must be better.

"We hope that through a series of international cultural exchange activities, Chongqing's cultural industry could find a way to go global as well as promoting the city's image overseas," said Huang.

This year, Chongqing plans to introduce its cultural products to Hong Kong and Taiwan, seeking more communication with residents there. Related activities are being conducted in the first half of the year.

Encouraged by current achievements, the municipality is also considering penetrating global markets with its films and drama productions, publications and animation products, Huang said, adding that these products will exert a sustainable influence on the promotion of the city's image.

Research and survey

The city marketing campaign contains many elements and requires research both before and after the video is made so it can be positioned and tested by the market.

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"Conducting market research before shooting an advertising video is of great importance because the findings will provide much useful and practical information as reference points for the decision makers," said Yang Hongshan, associate professor of urban planning and administration at the School of Public Administration, Renmin University of China.

"The current situation in the market is that most cities neglect tracking surveys after they release the advertising videos, which costs them a great opportunity to learn from their mistakes."

Ningbo realized the importance of market research early on and commissioned the International Public Relations Research Center of Fudan University to conduct it in 2008, Yang said. The new video released in this month is the fruit of their hard work.

In order to better understand audiences' demands, Chongqing used to gather public opinion from an online platform before rolling out its publicity campaign, a detail which proved to be quite effective, Huang said.


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