

'Hawaii of China' lures tourists with rebates

Updated: 2011-05-02 11:35


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'Hawaii of China' lures tourists with rebates

Tourists enter the tax-free shop in Sanya, South China's Hainan province, May 1, 2011. The offshore tax-free scheme for mainland shoppers officially kicks off on May 1, after a ten-day trial operation. The policy will prevent mainland visitors from paying various types of taxes on up to 5,000 ($770) worth of imported goods bought at selected duty-free stores on the tropical islands province, long known as the Hawaii of China. Only travelers who are 18 or older will avoid paying import duties, and the mainland visitors to Hainan can only buy goods duty free at the shop twice a year, while island residents can only once a year. Permission to buy goods duty-free in Hainan had been extended to foreign and non-mainland travelers before, but never to mainland visitors. About 18,000 people enter the tax-free shop in Sanya every day since April 20, when the trail operation of the tax rebate scheme starts. [Photo/Xinhua]

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