
RocketSpace opens tech campus in Shenzhen

By Meng Fanbin | | Updated: 2017-05-23 19:59

RocketSpaceInc, a leading technology accelerator campus and co-working space for high-growth startups, opened a tech campus in Shenzhen on Tuesday, which is its first Chinese location, and is designed specifically for Chinese high-growth tech start-ups.

The campus initially consists of two floors covering thousands of square meters and enabling hundreds of individuals to work there.

In August 2016, HNA Innohouse of HNA Tech Group, under the Chinese multinational conglomerate HNA Group, reached a strategic consensus with RocketSpace to build a joint venture – RocketSpace, Inc (China).

The San Francisco-based company is expanding its business globally, especially in China.

"RocketSpace will combine the new ecological concept of Silicon Valley and the resource advantages of the HNA Group," said Tong Fu, president of the HNA Tech Group on Tuesday.

"And HNA Group will always devote itself to innovation amid the governmental strategy of mass entrepreneurship and innovation," he said.

Services and amenities on the campus will accommodate the needs of growing tech startup teams, including offices-as-a-service, a multi-gigabit internet connection, cafes, collaborative workspaces and a large event space.

Members will have access to hands-on workshops, peer group roundtables, trend talks and networking events - like at its San Francisco campus - and RocketSpace Membership will be focused on tech start-ups, with space for teams of 1 to 100 people.

The joint venture will focus on creating technology innovation acceleration services in China and will be fully connected to similar RocketSpace centers of excellence around the globe.

"RocketSpace will provide a bridge for Chinese companies looking to the West, and for US and European companies looking to the East," said Duncan Logan, founder and CEO of RocketSpace, Inc. "We believe technology is a global platform, with the most successful start-ups of the future needing to think globally."

RocketSpace in China plans to build a tech campus in Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’an and other major cities in China.

Founded in 2011, RocketSpace has built its reputation in the startup accelerator and corporate innovation space by attracting and supporting high-profile tech startups.

RocketSpace members have included more than 800 tech startups and 17 unicorns - including Uber, Blippar, SuperCell and Spotify.

This is HNA’s first step in the technology accelerator and innovation space.

HNA Tech Group is a hi-technology industry holding group that aims to build a technology focused eco-system to enable innovation acceleration.