
Siemens opens new robotics research center in China

Xinhua | Updated: 2017-09-15 09:33

BERLIN - Leading German industrial concern Siemens AG has decided to establish a brand-new research center for the digitalization of industry (industry 4.0) in China, the company revealed on Thursday.

"Siemens is investing massively in China's future and is supporting the country and local customers on their path to digitalization", the firm's Head of Technology Roland Busch said in a statement.

The center will direct Muenich-based Siemens' global research activities in autonomous robotics, placing emphases on mechatronic systems, cooperation between humans and machines, and the use of artificial intelligence in robotics control. It will be located in Beijing under a joint venture with China's prestigious Tsinghua University.

Siemens did not provide detailed information about the number of staff it would employ at the new facility, but noted that it would draw "experienced experts from all over the world".

Siemens has also announced to work together closely with Chinese government authorities and research institutions at the new robotics center. The company currently employs around 4,500 scientists and engineers in China.

Robotics and the automatization of industry are areas which China's government is heavily promoting under the framework of its "Made in China 2025" initiative. German industry is seen as a potential partner in this context, with Chinese investors recently completing the acquisition of Augsburg-based industrial robotics firm KUKA.