
Luneng Group sets up green research institute

By Chen Meiling | | Updated: 2017-09-25 17:25

Luneng Group Co Ltd, a real estate and new energy giant, established a green development research institute Saturday as part of its efforts to promote ecological recovery and protect biological diversity.

The institute plans to conduct six programs in the future, including water and wetland restoration, eco-agriculture development of villages and ecological protection of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

Chinese and overseas experts involved in green architecture, clean energy, ecological tourism and agriculture will provide advice for those projects.

The company said the institute will help better serve the public and society with application of its long-term green development principle.

Luneng transformed itself by putting ecology as its top priority in 2015, it said.

The idea was applied to its more than 10 attraction development projects, including Qiandao Lake in East China's Zhejiang province and Jiuzhai Valley in Southwest China's Sichuan province.

When designing the ski resort at Changbai Mountain in Northeast China's Jilin province, Luneng adjusted the construction plan to suit the natural landscape to avoid cutting down any trees, the company said.

It also released a book on Saturday, which studies specialties' management, ecological restoration, agriculture and tourism with detailed interpretations of the company's cases.

Xie Yan, the institute's chief scientist, said the company closely combined its development with ecological protection, which has an important social meaning.