
Online retailers give intelligent logistics a boost

By Fan Feifei | China Daily | Updated: 2017-10-18 07:37

Online retailers give intelligent logistics a boost

Robots which are responsible for moving goods are being charged in Huiyang city, South China's Guangdong province, Oct 17, 2017.[Photo/IC]

"As e-commerce is growing in China and around the world, robotics and automation will be a necessary solution to meet that explosion in demand," said Wang Zhenhui, CEO of JD Logistics.

"We are investing in this advanced technology, and other automation throughout our supply chain, with an eye on the long term."

Suning Commerce Group Co Ltd also said it would launch intelligent retail robots that could autonomously recognize the speech and expressions of consumers during the shopping festival on Nov 11.

Lu Zhenwang, CEO of Shanghai-based Wanqing Consultancy, said e-commerce giants are gearing up for the upcoming Singles Day shopping festival by investing heavily in the intelligent logistics sector, such as unmanned sorting and handling equipment, and use robots in warehouses and delivery.

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