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Man catches thief, not quilt in wardrobe

Updated: 2010-12-16 21:25

By Uking (

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A man looking for a blanket caught a thief hiding in his wardrobe at his home in Zhumadian, Central China’s Henan province, Dahe News reported Thursday.

A man surnamed Wu went out to buy cigarettes at a shop downstairs at around 9 p.m. on Monday and forgot to lock the door, giving the thief a chance to sneak into his house. Wu watched TV for about four hours before going to bed without knowing a cornered thief was hiding in his wardrobe.

By 1 a.m., the 42-year-old woke up because he felt cold and was surprised to find a man stuck in the wardrobe where he keeps the quilt.

Policemen arrived later and detained the thief, surnamed Li.

"He woke up quickly after sleeping. I didn’t know he wanted to get a quilt. I failed this time only because of coldness," Li said.


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