
Odd News

The 42m-yuan masked lottery winner

Updated: 2011-01-05 13:59

By Quan Li (

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The 42m-yuan masked lottery winner

The 42-million yuan jackpot winner dressed in a disguise poses for a photo while holding his check, in Dongguan, Dec 31, 2010. [Photo/Guangzhou Daily]


China’s latest multi-millionaire lottery winner collected his prize wearing a disguise and said he would not immediately tell his family about his new fortune.

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The man, about 40 years old, received his 42.25-million yuan ($6.4 million) lottery prize dressed in a mask and baseball cap in Dongguan city, Guangdong, Dec 31, 2010.

The man said he was not a local person, but worked in a plant in the city. He said he had played the lottery for more than a decade.

When asked what he would do with the prize money, he said he had no plans and would not tell his family now for fear that it would be hard for them to accept. “It’s just a matter of time (before I tell them). I won’t use the money either, but put it away,” he said.



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