
Government and Policy

Courtesy to be taught in primary, middle schools

Updated: 2011-01-24 22:39


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BEIJING - China's education ministry has ordered all primary and middle schools to teach students the basics of good manners, both with formal classes and by holding after-class activities.

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According to a guideline on the ministry's website, teaching courtesy should combine "the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation" and "the salutary achievements of civilizations in other parts of the world."

Teaching courtesy, which is important for enhancing the Chinese' quality and the nation's "cultural soft power," should be conducted on the basis of different age groups, the guideline reads.

Primary school students should learn to use courteous language, respect the elderly and customs of ethnic minority groups, observe traffic rules and proper table manners, and wear clean clothes.

Students undergoing the three-year middle school education should be taught to hold polite conversations with both Chinese and foreigners, to dress properly, and to observe etiquette on the telephone, in Emails, text-messaging and exchanges of letters, as well as in public venues.

In addition, high school students should master the principles and art of holding conversations and dressing properly for different occasions, along with etiquette for delivering speeches and for use in debate. They should also know how to keep proper distance from other people when they are queuing or using elevators.

The ministry encouraged teachers to diversify and find innovative ways to conduct courtesy education to make it more attractive and effective.


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