
From Chinese Media

China's coal imports up 31% in 2010

Updated: 2011-01-27 10:55

By Zhao Tingting (

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China imported 164.83 million tons of coal in 2010, up 30.99 percent on the previous year and coal exports declined 15.03 percent for the same period to 19.03 million tons, the Beijing News reported Thursday, citing data from the nation's top economic planner.

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The National Development and Reform Commission said Indonesia was the largest coal exporter to China, followed by Australia, Vietnam, Mongolia and Russia. The five accounted for 84 percent of the nation's coal imports.

Last year's coal net imports stood at 145.8 million tons, up 42.37 million tons or 29 percent from the previous year, the report said.

Citibank issued a report earlier, predicting China's net coal imports will surge to 63 percent this year to over 200 million tons, due to the nation's strong demand and high dependence on coal as energy.

Coal industry insiders also believe China will see more coal imports this year, the report said.


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