
China Face

Brushing up on some new moves

Updated: 2011-03-25 14:59


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Brushing up on some new moves

Bai Desheng, 60, performs martial arts as he practices calligraphy on the ground with a huge brush soaked in water, in Kaifeng city, Central China’s Henan province, March 24, 2011. Bai combines martial arts moves and handwriting as a new style of performance. The brush weighs about 5 kilograms and is more than 2 meters long. [Photo/Asianewsphoto]

Brushing up on some new moves

Bai Desheng, 60, performs martial arts as he practices calligraphy on the ground with a huge brush soaked in water, in Kaifeng city, Central China’s Henan province, March 24, 2011. [Photo/Asianewsphoto]

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