
From Chinese Media

County funds 300,000 yuan for CEOs' education

Updated: 2011-03-25 16:14

By Zhao Chenyan (

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The government of Wuwei county in East China's Anhui province paid 300,000 yuan for 43 cable factory CEOs to receive one-week of study at China's elite Tsinghua University in Beijing earlier this month, sparking a storm of controversy.

Though the county has been included in a national plan for poverty alleviation, the local government defended their spending arguing the cost was reasonable and would be beneficial in the long term for its economic development, Beijing News reported Friday.

An official with Wuwei government said almost half of the county's revenue came from cable companies, and the training was necessary to boost their CEOs' knowledge in the latest science and technology available.

Lu Yingpeng, one of the 43 bosses who took part in the study, said he has not only learned advanced knowledge, but also had improved communication with other cable factory leaders during the course, and added he would also be very pleased to attend, even if it was at his own expense.


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