

Bachelor finds true love in nursing home

Updated: 2011-03-25 17:23

(China Daily)

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A man in Chengdu, Sichuan province, finally met his one true love at the age of 67.

Jiang Zhengcai met Xia Guiru, 66, at a local nursing home where they lived.

Jiang eventually proposed to the widow in February at a teahouse, after spending three years at the nursing home. They tied the knot on March 10.

Before that, he endured immense pressure from his family and friends who urged him to get married.

"I didn't expect to meet my love in a nursing home," said Jiang with a big smile.

He said he had been searching for true love all these years and insisted that he would not get involved in a relationship if he had no feelings for the woman.

"I'd never get married unless I found a life partner," Jiang said.



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