

Chinese on fire to declare Guinness records

Updated: 2011-04-25 16:14


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Chinese on fire to declare Guinness records
Amateur Yan Donglong, afire in a petrol blaze, sprints through the SenBhola Forest Theme Park, Fogang county, South China's Guangdong province on April 25, 2011. Yan, 32, also known as "Fire King," is challenging the Guinness World Record for "Running the longest distance while on fire" and "Man plays the most items with fire." The previous record holder is a British amateur Keith Malcolm, who ran 295 feet (about 80 meters) while on fire. Yan can perform a 30-minute stunt showing more than 20 fire playing items, including "swallowing fire" "puffing fire" and "stamping on fire." The park is contacting the Guinness China office to help Yan declare two records.[Photo/Asianewsphoto]

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