
From Chinese Media

Forbes: Baidu CEO leads mainland billionaires

Updated: 2011-04-26 21:39

By Jia Xu (

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Forbes China, the licensed Chinese-language edition of Forbes, published “The Global Chinese Billionaire List”. The list focuses specifically on the rise of Chinese wealthy entrepreneurs, reported Tuesday.

Robin Li, CEO of the search engine Baidu Inc, is the richest businessman from the Chinese mainland. He owns $9.4 billion in assets, according to the Forbes China report.

The second- and third-wealthiest mainland Chinese billionaires are Liang Wengen ($8 billion), chairman and main shareholder of Sany Group, and Zong Qinghou ($5.9 billion), the founder of China's largest beverage producer, Wahaha.

The report includes 213 Chinese billionaires, 115 of which are from the Chinese mainland.

Forbes China Chief Editor Zhou Jiangong said, “The Chinese mainland has shown its magnetism for attracting world business.”



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