

Chinese couple hold 'royal wedding' with horses

Updated: 2011-04-27 13:49


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BEIJING -- A Chinese couple have tied the knot with a procession inspired by the British royal wedding, donning ceremonial garb and riding in a horse-drawn carriage flanked by guards in scarlet uniforms.

The 23-year-old groom, Wang Xueqian, paid more than $7,600 for the April 18 wedding parade in eastern Nanjing city involving 50 people, a dozen cars and two horses.

Wang says he wanted his wedding to have an "exotic quality" and the idea of riding in a carriage appealed to his wife.

Nanjing wedding planner Hu Lu says the "royal wedding" theme is becoming increasingly popular, with three more couples planning similar processions next month.

The real British royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton takes place Friday in London.


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