

Wen encourages Chinese youths on Youth Day eve

Updated: 2011-05-04 09:41


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BEIJING - Premier Wen Jiabao on Tuesday urged Chinese youths to work hard and be persistent in achieving their goals while he spent more than two hours chatting with young people on the eve of China's Youth Day.

Wen showed a group of young people around the office and apartment where late Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai once worked and lived at Zhongnanhai, the central leadership compound in downtown Beijing, before sitting down and talking with them.

Wen encourages Chinese youths on Youth Day eve

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao (center) talks with a group of young people while they are visiting the office and apartment where late Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai once worked and lived at Zhongnanhai, the central leadership compound in downtown Beijing, May 3, 2011. [Photo/Xinhua]

During the chat, Wen urged young people to inherit and promote the spirit of patriotism, progress, science and democracy imbued in the May Fourth Movement.

The movement is an important cultural and political campaign started in 1919 to fight imperialism and promote democracy and science in China.

Wen urged the young Chinese to set lofty ideals and work for a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious China.

A nation is not guaranteed with a bright future if it has no energetic and promising young people, Wen said.

The premier urged the country's youth to be studious and motivated so as to achieve greater progress.

When commenting on an English major's personal understanding of learning and research, Wen spoke of the importance of learning about both traditional Chinese culture and foreign civilizations.

Wen encouraged young people to master foreign languages as they have, he said, become increasingly important in making connections between China and the outside world.

Wen encourages Chinese youths on Youth Day eve

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao (center) talks with a group of young people while they are visiting the office and apartment where late Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai once worked and lived at Zhongnanhai, the central leadership compound in downtown Beijing, May 3, 2011. [Photo/Xinhua]

In response to proposals put forward by a writer on China's literary creativity, the premier asked young writers to do more research in real life so as to create more classics.

When talking to a bus driver, Wen underlined the importance of developing public transportation to meet public demand.

Wen called for policies that give more support to bus manufacturers, help bring down ticket prices and improve the welfare of people working in the public transportation sector.

Also on the eve of China's Youth Day, the Central Committee of China Communist Youth League issued a notice, urging grass-roots youth leagues to carry out activities that promote young people's love for the country, the Communist Party of China (CPC) and for socialism.

Youth leagues across China are also urged to mobilize young people to develop the economy and start their own businesses. The leagues should as well teach young people useful job skills.

Also according to the notice, youth leagues are urged to show greater love and care to children of migrant workers.

The Central Committee of China Communist Youth League and All-China Youth Federation jointly honored 25 young people across China with "May Fourth Medal," for their excellent performance in their work.

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