
From Chinese Media

Officials in Chongqing become part-time farmers

Updated: 2011-05-05 11:20

By Xing Yu (

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All officials in Nan'an district, Chongqing municipality, are being required to farm for one month every year and the farmwork will be one part of their yearly performance evaluation.

Changshengqiao town was the first to push this new rule. 73 officials of the town lease land from local farmers and plant peaches. Each official pays 1,000 yuan for the 66.7 square meters of land which is in his or her charge.

The officials will do the farming on weekends, to prevent interfering with their daily work.

Qian Yuhang, vice-head of the organization department of the CPC committee of Nan'an district, said that officials are expected to learn more about the ordinary farmer's life and to get on well with farmers. Farmers can also increase their income through the land leases.



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