
From Chinese Media

Dodgy doctor gets 10 years for killing kid

Updated: 2011-07-28 12:13

By Zhao Chenyan (

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Dodgy doctor gets 10 years for killing kid

Miao Guangyun bows as he prepares to receive his sentence at a court in Beijing, July 27, 2011. [Photo/CFP]

A man convicted of killing a mentally disabled boy by misdiagnosis was sentenced to 10 years in jail on Tuesday, the Beijing Times reported on Wednesday.

Miao Guangyun, a 26-year-old and with no medical license, gave an injection for spasm relief to 17-year-old Xiaohua (not his real name) who actually suffered from a serious intestinal blockage on December 12, 2009. Judicial experts found his misdiagnosis had caused a delay in treatment and finally led to the death of the boy.

Miao admitted he had no medical license and his clinic had no business license either. He had just graduated from a medical school and was once a physician's assistant for two to three years.

He was also ordered to pay compensation of 570,000 yuan ($87,000) to the victim's family.

Miao didn't say whether he would appeal the court's decision.

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