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Version of Tian’anmen Rostrum found in Shaanxi

Updated: 2011-08-29 16:25


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Version of Tian’anmen Rostrum found in Shaanxi

Version of Tian'anmen Rostrum found in Shaanxi [Photo/Courtesy of Sanqin Daily]


A portrait of China's historical figure Zhu Geliang hangs from a replica of Beijing's Tian'anmen Rostrum in northwest Shaanxi province, Sanqin Daily reported.

Chairman Mao's portrait hangs on Beijing's Tian'anmen Rostrum, which serves as the main entrance to the Forbidden City.

Shaanxi's three-story high Tian'anmen Rostrum is the front gate for a local company. It is about 33 meters (108 feet) high and 45 meters wide; the original version is 34.7 meters high and 37 meters wide.

The hall and the gate make up the first floor while the second floor is used as office space. A picture of Zhuge Geliang, who is well-known for his wisdom and resourcefulness in China, hangs from the third floor.

Some netizens commented that Tian'anmen Rostrum, which is a symbol of the foundation of the People's Republic of China, is sacred and shouldn't have been copied.

By Chen Yingqi


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