

2,400 firefighters battling forest fire

Updated: 2011-08-31 07:05


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2,400 firefighters battling forest fire

A man looks on as the fire rages in Sunjiakou Village in Yongchuan District of Chongqing Tuesday night. [Photo/Xinhua]

CHONGQING - More than 2,400 firefighters and volunteers were battling a raging fire that broke out mid-day Tuesday at a tourist attraction in Chongqing Municipality, local authorities said late Tuesday.

By 8:30 pm, the fire, which started in Sunjiakou Village in Yongchuan District, had fanned out to cover 20 hectares and was moving toward the the scenic spot of Chashanzhuhai, according to the attraction's forest fire control headquarters.

2,400 firefighters battling forest fire

People look at the fire that rages in Sunjiakou Village in Yongchuan District of Chongqing Tuesday night. [Photo/Xinhua]

A helicopter was sent to fight the fire and the fire was mostly under control, the headquarters said.

No casualties have been reported.

The scenic area, whose name literally means "mountain of tea trees and a sea of bamboo," features about 1,333 hectares of tea trees and 3,333 hectares of bamboos. The film "House of Flying Daggers," directed by Zhang Yimou, was shot there.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.

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