Land of opportunities

Updated: 2012-11-08 07:51

(China Daily)

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5. We have read the 12th Five-Year Plan carefully, especially the sections concerning the healthcare market, and have been very impressed by the government's emphasis on innovation and equal access to medical resources. We also have great confidence that these plans will be executed effectively. The government's five-year plans have always been well implemented and some very ambitious goals have been achieved.

MSD is committed to developing, producing and providing innovative medicines and vaccines to save and improve lives. Innovation is in our DNA. We look forward to strong progress in the 12th Five-Year Plan, so that more patients can have access to our innovative and high-quality medicines and vaccines.

Mei-Wei Cheng

CEO Siemens North East Asia, president and CEO Siemens Ltd, China

Land of opportunities 

1. Against the backdrop of a difficult worldwide economic situation, the Chinese economy is experiencing headwinds - especially in the export sector that is exposed to sluggish demand from China's most important trading partner, Europe. However, Siemens is full of confidence about the continuing growth of the Chinese economy.

China is Siemens' second-largest market (after the US) outside Germany. As a key market for our growth, China will remain one of our most important markets in the future. The reason is that Siemens' company strategy, products, solutions, technologies and capabilities are consistent with the priorities the government set out in the 12th Five-Year Plan, and thus facilitates our sustainable and quality growth in China.

2. We are a Chinese company with German heritage and we are determined to stay and participate in the growth potential that we see in China. This year, we are celebrating our 140th anniversary in China. Partnership, quality products and technologies, and long-term commitment; those are the key words for our success story in China.

Siemens is full of confidence about the continued growth of the Chinese economy. Therefore, we will continue to invest in some of our existing manufacturing bases, even in the middle of the economic downturn.

3. We will continue to focus on our four sectors - industry, energy, healthcare and infrastructure and cities - because we are convinced that they are addressing the major needs of today's societies.

There is still a long way to go for China to transform from a manufacturing giant to a manufacturing powerhouse, and eventually to an innovation center. Research and development, technologies and operational excellence are the keys to the transformation.

With the 12th Five-Year-Plan, China is proactively tackling the transformation of its economy from manufacturing-based to technology and innovation-driven sustainable growth. Siemens will remain a strong partner and support China's manufacturing industry to turn those challenges into opportunities.

4. Surplus production capacity is one of the biggest challenges faced by the manufacturing industry in China. China's manufacturing industry should turn the current economic crisis into opportunity and leverage the upcoming new round of the global industrial revolution to realize the transformation and upgrading, and enhance competitiveness for the next growth cycle.

To prepare for future global competition, China's manufacturing industry should not only achieve technological innovation in individual enterprises, but also improve the organization and integration of downstream and upstream businesses in the industrial chain - that is, by realizing innovation across the entire value chain.

5. We greatly appreciate and value the work of the current Chinese leadership and are very much looking forward to working with the country's new leadership team - based on trust and mutual understanding.

We'd appreciate a stable investment environment, transparency of policy and the protection of intellectual property. We believe that the effective protection of intellectual property rights is an important vehicle to encourage the efforts and investment made in innovation, both for foreign and domestic enterprises or institutions.

By the same token, we are looking forward to more incentive programs or projects being rolled out to motivate companies to work on innovation, research and development in China. 

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