Chinese honor war heroes on Tomb Sweeping Day

Updated: 2015-04-05 16:04


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BEIJING - The Chinese public honored the nation's revolutionary martyrs on Sunday, Tomb Sweeping Day.

A website launched Friday by the Chinese government to commemorate them has attracted nearly 200 million visits, with thousands of comments posted to praise the martyrs' contributions.

On the Twitter-like Sina Weibo, "Commemorating the martyrs" has become one of the trending topics. More than 657,000 Weibo users wrote comments and 5.6 million users sent virtual wreaths.

Memorial events were held across China as people flocked to war museums and revolutionary sites to pay tribute to the heroes.

Tomb Sweeping Day, or Qing Ming Festival, is a yearly celebration when people remember their dearly departed. It is usually celebrated between April 4 and 6, and the holiday falls on April 5 this year.
