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Company linked to Guo Wengui fined, employees sentenced

China Daily | Updated: 2017-10-31 19:11

A company linked to one of China's most-wanted fugitives, Guo Wengui, has been fined 200,000 yuan ($30,180) and five of its employees given prison sentences for hiding and destroying accounting documents.

Three employees of Henan Yuda Real Estate Co were sentenced to two to three years in prison, while another two received sentences of 18 months and two years with probation.

All five were also fined, although the amounts have not been disclosed.

Two other employees involved in the case were exempted from criminal penalty, according to a statement on Tuesday from Kaifeng Intermediate People's Court in Henan province.

The seven hid or destroyed documents relating to almost 10 billion yuan, but they said they did so under direction from Guo, the court said.

Guo is the "actual controlling shareholder" of Yuda, according to a separate court ruling.

All seven pleaded guilty during a court hearing in September.

Guo fled China under suspicion of multiple crimes in August 2014. He is currently subject to an Interpol red notice, effectively an international arrest warrant.