Life on planet Liu

Updated: 2014-12-08 07:00

By Zhang Kun(Shanghai Star)

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Life on planet Liu

Fantasy and adventure stories are the favorite of children. Provided to Shanghai Star

Three Body is actually the title of the first book of a trilogy named Remembrance of Earth's Past, but readers have widely referred to the whole series as the Three Body trilogy.

The trilogy started in 2006, when Three Body was serialized in Science Fiction World, the most established journal of science fantasy in China. The book won the Galaxy Award of the year. The English edition was translated by Ken Liu, and published by Tor Books in November.

Having his most acclaimed book published in English means "introducing to American readers the fact that China has science fiction too," he says.

Liu grew up reading United States science fantasy. Arthur Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey and Rendezvous with Rama, together with George Orwell's 1984, made a particularly big impact on his development as a writer.

The 51-year-old from Shanxi province is said to be China's most recognized science fiction writer. He has had a day job for most of his writing career, as a computer engineer for a power plant at Niangziguan, Shanxi province.
