

Star Tracks

Updated: 2011-08-01 11:33


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Star Tracks

Hollywood superstar Angelina Jolie caused a commotion in the leafy London suburb of Richmond as she took the whole brood of children to the cinema, July 22, 2011. As the movie star was about to leave the cinema a large crowd gathered to catch a glimpse and the local Police arrived to control the situation from the Police station across the road in London, UK. [Photo/CFP]



Carrier set for maiden voyage

China is refitting an obsolete aircraft carrier bought from Ukraine for research and training purposes.
Photo Video

Pulling heart strings

The 5,000-year-old guqin holds a special place for both european and Chinese music lovers

Fit to a tea

Sixth-generation member of tea family brews up new ideas to modernize a time-honored business

Wen pledges 'open' probe
Turning up the heat
Ciao, Yao