

United against terrorism

Updated: 2011-01-26 08:03

(China Daily)

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The suicide bomb at Moscow's Domodedovo airport is beyond tolerance. It should sound the call for greater international efforts and intensive regional cooperation to uproot the evil of terrorism in any form.

On Monday, a suicide bomber shouted "I will kill you all" moments before setting off a bomb, that Russian investigators described as "an improvised explosive device packed with shrapnel and chopped wire", in the arrival hall of Moscow's busiest airport.

At least 35 people were killed and some 170 injured in the attack. The device was estimated to have an explosive force equivalent to between two and five kilograms of TNT. It is the second suicide attack in Moscow in less than 12 months. In March 2010, female suicide bombers struck at two Moscow subway stations killing 40 people and injuring 85 others.

Russian authorities now have the full support of the international community as they seek to find and punish those behind the attack and bring them to justice.

Leaders from countries around the world and international organizations like the United Nations immediately sent condolences to the victims and condemned the attack.

Whatever the motives behind the bombing, there can be no justification for such a heinous crime. Such cold-blooded and heartless disregard for human life should spur the international community to increased vigilance. It will be an arduous task to rid the world of the scourge of terrorism, a common enemy of all in modern life. Only when nations stand together and make determined efforts, will those who perpetrate such acts - of whatever origin - have no place to hide.

As a close neighbor with thriving ties with Russia, China has pledged its full support to Russian measures to fight against terrorism. Chinese President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao and Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, all sent messages of condolence on Tuesday to their Russian counterparts, wishing an early recovery for the injured and expressing deep sympathy for the victims.

China condemns terrorist actions in any form. Also a victim of terrorism, it is committed to the international fight against terrorism and in recent years, it has been conducting fruitful cooperation with members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

As two big countries in the region, China and Russia must shoulder their responsibilities to safeguard regional and world peace, stability and security, and China is willing to strengthen cooperation with Russia within both bilateral and SCO frameworks to help achieve this.

The two countries concluded the fifth round of strategic security talks on Monday in Moscow, pledging more joint efforts to strengthen national, regional and international security. They should also step up collaborations under the framework of the SCO in such fields as intelligence sharing and new technology.

(China Daily 01/26/2011 page8)


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