Value-added exports called ready for Chinese market

Updated: 2015-05-18 12:32

By Li Wenfang(China Daily USA)

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Consul general emphasizes variety of Brazil goods, Li Wenfang reports.

Brazil should expand its exports of processed food to diversify the mix of goods sold to China, 79 percent of which are soybean, iron ore and oil products, said Jose Vicente Lessa, consul general of Brazil in Guangzhou.

"We should not focus on primary products," he said.

Brazilian exports to China also include sugar, leather, meat, soy oil, paper pulp and airplanes, Lessa said.

Trade between Brazil and China more than doubled to $83.3 billion between 2009 and 2013. It dipped to $77.9 billion (according to Chinese customs, China-Brazil trade amounted to $86.6 billion) last year partly because of the economic downturn in Brazil, but has since rebounded, he said. "The long-term tendency is growth."

Brazil is the world's biggest producer and exporter of coffee, sugar and orange juice, the biggest meat exporter and the second-biggest producer and exporter of soy products, as well as a major grower of corn.

China is the largest importer of Brazil's agricultural products. In 2014, Brazil's agricultural exports to China represented 22 percent of the South American nation's total agricultural exports.

Starting with imports of Chinese goods to Brazil in 1999, China Invest, which is engaged in facilitating two-way trade, launched its business of exporting Brazilian products to China in 2013.

"From Brazil to China, we mainly focus on products for which China has a huge and rapidly growing demand, while Brazil has keen advantages, mainly food and beverage, such as noodles, pasta, snacks, canned beef and chicken, wine, cachaca, juice, beer, honey, propolis and acai," said Paulo Fortes Machado, a project manager of the company.

"We are most confident in the 'only from Brazil' products, such as cachaca, which is Brazilian sugar cane spirits, and acai, which is a natural juice.

Value-added exports called ready for Chinese market

"With the rapid growth of the demand of imported products in China, we are confident that we will be able to have success like in our export business."

The company has witnessed and benefited from the robust bilateral trade, Machado said.

Major items exported from China to Brazil through the company include building materials, machinery and parts, electrical products, garments, textiles, shoes, electronics and chemicals. China is Brazil's largest trading partner.

Machado said: "Some Brazilian vendors know China offers great opportunity but they do not know even the name of one Chinese buyer who could be interested in their products. Some Chinese buyers show their interest in Brazilian products, but do not know any brands that can provide them what they need.

"The biggest challenge for us to introduce products in the Chinese market is to make buyers understand the positioning of our brands in the market regarding quality and pricing."

Machado believes this barrier can be overcome as Brazilian companies present themselves through meetings, participation in fairs and business trips and as more Chinese buyers visit factories in Brazil.

Wang Zijia contributed to this story.

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 Value-added exports called ready for Chinese market

Chinese bulldozers are ready to be exported to Brazil. Machinery is a main export from China to Brazil. Provided to China Daily

(China Daily USA 05/18/2015 page3)
