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Updated: 2011-03-29 07:54

(China Daily)

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Jin Bo settles on Bird's Nest for concert

Jin Bo, a vocalist from the Second Artillery Art Troupe, will be the third singer to have a solo concert at the Bird's Nest (National Stadium), after Jackie Chan and Song Zuying.

This year will be the 90th anniversary of the Communist Party of China, and Jin's concert will be titled Singing for the Party, Contributing to the Motherland, and will be held on June 18.

Apart from singing songs about lives of soldiers, Jin is known for his charity work. He worked as a volunteer during the earthquakes in Wenchuan and Yushu, and has won awards from the China Charity Federation and China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation.

Hotelex celebrates its 20th anniversary

The 20th Hotelex Shanghai is taking place from March 29-April 1, at Shanghai New International Expo Center, featuring more than 200 hotel product suppliers and manufacturers. More than 100,000 visitors are expected to visit.

There will be celebrations to mark the 20th anniversary of Hotelex and also a hotel industry development summit forum, buffet display, kitchen exhibition, and the 9th China International Barista Competition. There will also be a bartender contest, chocolate making, cooking classes, wine tasting and afternoon tea on offer.

Providing water to those who need it most

The All China Women's Federation has just launched "Pure Water in Schools", as part of its "Land of Love, Water Cellar for Mothers" project, that was started in 2000.

The first step is to equip water clarifiers and clean rest rooms in 100 primary and middle schools in remote rural areas in Jiangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou and Hebei provinces. More than 30,000 students and teachers will benefit from it.

The water cellar project has helped nearly 1.7 million people in the past decade, building more than 125,000 water cellars and over 1,400 water supply systems in drought-stricken counties and villages, mostly in the western part of China.

Dadawa to judge Ninth Glenn Gould Prize

What's new

Singer-songwriter Zhu Zheqin, or Dadawa, will be on the international jury panel for the Ninth Glenn Gould Prize, held in Toronto, Canada, on Thursday and Friday.

Dadawa, a UN goodwill ambassador, is celebrated both in China and the West. She is known for the softness of her voice and her use of ethnic music, especially Tibetan folk music.

"She is a talented musician. Her contribution to world music and her protection of traditional Chinese culture are exactly what the Glenn Gould Prize looks for," said Brian Levine, executive director of The Glenn Gould Foundation.

The Glenn Gould Prize, referred to as "The Nobel Prize of the Arts", is awarded biennially to a living individual for a unique lifetime contribution that has enriched the human condition through the arts. Chinese musicians Tan Dun and Yo-Yo Ma won the prize, respectively, in 1996 and 1999.


London's Olympic Stadium

Construction on the flagship stadium for the 2012 London Olympics was completed Tuesday.

The queen of panda cubs

Spanish Queen Sofia laughs as she plays with a panda.

Donkey-powered Land Rover

Two donkeys pull a broken-down Land Rover in Shenyang, Liaoning province.

Panic buying of salt
Earthquake Hits Japan
NPC & CPPCC sessions