Fashionable grandparents take Internet by storm

Updated: 2016-02-26 14:29


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Fashionable grandparents take Internet by storm

A photo shoot of Jesse's grandpa [Photo/]

The photographer in Xiamen is Ding Guoliang, also called Jesse, who wants to appeal to the public to pay more attention to and accompany the elderly through taking photos. The "coolest 85-year-old grandpa" photo series shows a stylish man in his daily life, wearing sunglasses and caps, drinking coffee in Starbucks, or talking with beautiful women.

"Fashion has nothing to do with age. The elderly can still be fashionable even if he has retired from work", said Jesse. Most of the photos were taken as snap shots to show the most simple and natural postures of his grandpa. After Jesse posted these photos on social media, they have become hot online and won many "likes" from netizens.
